Source code for olm.calcite

## Functions related to water chemistry and dissolution of Calcite ##

import numpy as np
import pandas
from .general import *
from scipy.optimize import brentq#, fminbound
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from scipy.interpolate import LinearNDInterpolator, interp1d

#Define some useful constants
R = 8.3145 #J / (mol * K)
#H2OmolPerL = 55.5

[docs] def PCO2FromSolution(sol): """ Calculate partial pressure of CO2 from a solution object. Parameters ---------- sol : solution object, numpy.ndarray of solution objects, or pandas Series of solution objects Returns ------- pCO2 : float, numpy.ndarray, or pandas series partial pressure(s) of CO2 for the solution(s) Notes ----- Assumes a H20-CO2-CaCO3 system. Uses equation 2.30 from Dreybrodt (1988) and assumes an open system. """ def calc_PCO2(this_sol): Ca_conc = this_sol.ions['Ca']['conc_mol'] gamma_H = this_sol.activity_coef('H') gamma_HCO3 = this_sol.activity_coef('HCO3') gamma_Ca = this_sol.activity_coef('Ca') pH = this_sol.pH H_conc = 10.0**(-pH)/gamma_H #calculate mass action constans T_K = this_sol.T_K K_c = calc_K_c(T_K) K_2 = calc_K_2(T_K) K_1 = calc_K_1(T_K) K_0 = calc_K_0(T_K) K_H = calc_K_H(T_K) #pCO2 derived from equation 2.30 in Dreybrodt 1988 and assuming an #open system, where f approaches infty. See notebook for details. pCO2 = (gamma_H * gamma_HCO3 / (K_1*K_H*(1+1/K_0)) ) * \ (H_conc**2. + 2.0*H_conc*Ca_conc) return pCO2 is_series = (type(sol)==pandas.core.series.Series) #or (type(sol)==pandas.core.series.TimeSeries) if (type(sol)==np.ndarray) or is_series: pCO2 = np.zeros(np.size(sol)) for i, single_sol in enumerate(sol): pCO2[i] = calc_PCO2(single_sol) if is_series: pCO2 = pandas.Series(pCO2,index=sol.index) else: pCO2 = calc_PCO2(sol) return pCO2
[docs] def concCaEqFromSolution(sol): """ Calculates the equilibrium concentration of calcium for a solution object. First calculates the partial pressure of CO2, and then uses PCO2 and temperature to calculate equilibrium Ca. Parameters ---------- sol : solution object, numpy.ndarray of solution objects, or pandas Series of solution objects Returns ------- CaEq : float, numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series Equilibrium concentration(s) of CaEq for the given solution(s) in mol/L. Notes ----- Assumes a H20-CO2-CaCO3 system. """ PCO2 = PCO2FromSolution(sol) is_series = (type(sol)==pandas.core.series.Series) #or (type(sol)==pandas.core.series.TimeSeries) if (type(sol)==np.ndarray) or is_series: T_C = np.zeros(np.size(sol)) for i, single_sol in enumerate(sol): T_C[i] = single_sol.T_C else: T_C = sol.T_C CaEq = concCaEqFromPCO2(PCO2, T_C = T_C) return CaEq
#Calculate the equilibrium concentration of Ca using PCO2 and T_C
[docs] def concCaEqFromPCO2(PCO2, T_C = 25.): """ Calculates the equilibrium concentration of calcium using PCO2 and temp. Iteratively solves for the equilibrium concentration of calcium from PCO2 and temp. First guesses that activity coefficients are 1, and then iterates to solution using scipy's brentq function. Parameters ---------- PCO2 : float, numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series partial pressure of CO2 (atm) T_C : float, numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series (optional) temperature of solution in degrees Celsius (default = 25 C) Returns ------- CaEq : float, numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series Equilibrium concentration(s) of calcium in mol/L Notes ----- Assumes a H20-CO2-CaCO3 system. If a numpy array or pandas Series object are passed in as PCO2 arguments, then equilibrium concentrations will be found iteratively in a for-loop and returned as the same data type given in the argument. """ def Ca_minimize(Ca,T_C_func,K_c,K_2,K_1,K_H,PCO2_func): if Ca<0: return 10. I = approxI(Ca) properties = getProperties() z_Ca = properties['Ca']['charge'] r_Ca = properties['Ca']['radius'] gamma_Ca = DebyeHuckel(I,z_Ca,r_Ca,T=T_C_func) z_HCO3 = properties['HCO3']['charge'] r_HCO3 = properties['HCO3']['radius'] gamma_HCO3 = DebyeHuckel(I,z_HCO3,r_HCO3,T=T_C_func) return Ca - (PCO2_func*K_1*K_c*K_H/(4.*K_2*gamma_Ca*gamma_HCO3**2.))**(1./3.) #If there is only one value for T_C, but multiple PCO2 values, make an array of equal values if (np.size(PCO2)>1) and (np.size(T_C) == 1): T_C = T_C + np.zeros(np.size(PCO2)) T_K = CtoK(T_C) K_c = calc_K_c(T_K) K_2 = calc_K_2(T_K) K_1 = calc_K_1(T_K) K_H = calc_K_H(T_K) #make a guess assuming activities are = 1 guess_Ca = (PCO2*K_1*K_c*K_H/(4.*K_2))**(1./3.) maxCa = 10.*guess_Ca minCa = guess_Ca is_series = (type(PCO2)==pandas.core.series.Series) #or (type(PCO2)==pandas.core.series.TimeSeries) if (type(PCO2)==np.ndarray) or is_series: #We have a numpy array or pandas Series. Loop through solutions. CaEq = np.zeros(np.size(PCO2)) for i, single_PCO2 in enumerate(PCO2): try: CaEq[i] = brentq(Ca_minimize, guess_Ca[i], 10.*guess_Ca[i], args=(T_C[i],K_c[i],K_2[i],K_1[i],K_H[i], PCO2[i])) except RuntimeError: CaEq[i] = np.nan if is_series: #Create a pandas series object from the CaEq array CaEq = pandas.Series(CaEq, index=PCO2.index) else: #We only have a single value try: CaEq = brentq(Ca_minimize, guess_Ca, 10.*guess_Ca, args=(T_C,K_c,K_2,K_1,K_H,PCO2)) except RuntimeError: CaEq = np.nan return CaEq
#Calculate the equilibrium concentration of Ca using PCO2 and T_C
[docs] def PCO2EqFromCa(Ca, T_C = 25., I=None): """ Calculates the equilibrium PCO2 for a given concentration of calcium and temp. Parameters ---------- Ca : float, numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series Concentration of calcium in mol/L. T_C : float, numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series (optional) temperature of solution in degrees Celsius (default = 25 C) I : float, numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series (optional) Ionic strength of solution. If not provided, will be calculated from Ca alone. Returns ------- PCO2Eq : float, numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series Partial pressure of CO2 (atm) at which the solution would be in equilibrium w.r.t. calcite. Notes ----- Assumes a H20-CO2-CaCO3 system. If a numpy array or pandas Series object are passed in as Ca arguments, then equilibrium PCO2s will be found iteratively in a for-loop and returned as the same data type given in the argument. """ #If there is only one value for T_C, but multiple PCO2 values, make an array of equal values if (np.size(Ca)>1) and (np.size(T_C) == 1): T_C = T_C + np.zeros(np.size(Ca)) #Calculate equilibrium constants as a function of T T_K = CtoK(T_C) K_c = calc_K_c(T_K) K_2 = calc_K_2(T_K) K_1 = calc_K_1(T_K) K_H = calc_K_H(T_K) #Calculate ionic strength if I == None: I = approxI(Ca)#Neglects other metals in the solution (might change this) #Calculate activity coefficients properties = getProperties() z_Ca = properties['Ca']['charge'] r_Ca = properties['Ca']['radius'] gamma_Ca = DebyeHuckel(I,z_Ca,r_Ca,T=T_C) z_HCO3 = properties['HCO3']['charge'] r_HCO3 = properties['HCO3']['radius'] gamma_HCO3 = DebyeHuckel(I,z_HCO3,r_HCO3,T=T_C) #Calculate PCO2 from eqn 2.35c in Dreybrodt (1988) PCO2 = Ca**3. * 4.*K_2*gamma_Ca*gamma_HCO3**2. / (K_1*K_c*K_H) return PCO2
#Calculates equilibrium activity of H+ given PCO2 # - uses relaxed charge balance assumption
[docs] def activityHFromPCO2(PCO2, T_C = 25., CaEq = None): """ Calculates equilibrium activity of H+ given PCO2 using relaxed charge balance. Calculates hydrogen activity at equilibrium given PCO2, temperature, and (optionally) equilibrium calcium concentration (mol/L). Assumes a relaxed charge balance (see 2.18a in Dreybrodt [1988]). If keyword CaEq is not given, then it is iteratively calculated using concCaEqFromPCO2(). Parameters ---------- PCO2 : float partial pressure of CO2 (atm) T_C : float, optional temperature of solution in degrees Celsius (default = 25 C) CaEq : float Equilibrium calcium concentration (mol/L), optional Returns ------- aHeq : float equilibrium activity of hydrogen ion (mol/L) Notes ----- Assumes a H20-CO2-CaCO3 system. """ if CaEq == None: CaEq = concCaEqFromPCO2(PCO2, T_C=T_C) I = approxI(CaEq) properties = getProperties() z_Ca = properties['Ca']['charge'] r_Ca = properties['Ca']['radius'] gamma_Ca = DebyeHuckel(I,z_Ca,r_Ca,T=T_C) z_HCO3 = properties['HCO3']['charge'] r_HCO3 = properties['HCO3']['radius'] gamma_HCO3 = DebyeHuckel(I,z_HCO3,r_HCO3,T=T_C) T_K = CtoK(T_C) K_c = calc_K_c(T_K) K_2 = calc_K_2(T_K) K_1 = calc_K_1(T_K) K_H = calc_K_H(T_K) a_Heq = ( ((K_1*K_H*PCO2)**2.)*K_2*gamma_Ca / (2*K_c*gamma_HCO3) )**(1./3.) return a_Heq
#Calculate H+ concentration from Ca and PCO2 assuming relaxed charge balance
[docs] def concHFromCaPCO2Relaxed(Ca, PCO2, T_C = 25.): """ Calculates concentration of H+ from calcium concentration and PCO2 using relaxed charge balance. Uses equation 2.30a from Dreybrodt (1988). Parameters ---------- Ca : float concentration of calcium in mol/L PCO2 : float partial pressure of CO2 (atm) T_C : float, optional temperature of solution in degrees Celsius (default = 25 C) Returns ------- concH : float concentration of hydrogen ions Notes ----- Assumes a H20-CO2-CaCO3 system. """ #from eqn 2.30a in Dreybrodt 1988 T_K = CtoK(T_C) I = 3.*Ca gamma_H = gamma('H', I, T_C=T_C) gamma_HCO3 = gamma('HCO3', I, T_C=T_C) K_1 = calc_K_1(T_K) K_H = calc_K_H(T_K) K_0 = calc_K_0(T_K) HCO3_sqaured = K_1*K_H*PCO2*(1.+1./K_0)/(gamma_H*gamma_HCO3) concH = -Ca + np.sqrt(Ca**2. + HCO3_sqaured) return concH
#Calculate H+ concentration given Ca and PCO2, makes no relaxed charge #balance assumption
[docs] def solutionFromCaPCO2(Ca, PCO2, T_C = 25., per_tol = 0.001, max_iter=1000): """ Creates a solution object from a given concentration of calcium and PCO2. Parameters ---------- Ca : float, numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series concentration of calcium in mol/L PCO2 : float, numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series partial pressure of CO2 (atm) T_C : float, , numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series (optional) temperature of solution in degrees Celsius (default = 25 C) per_tol : float the fractional change in H concentration between iterations upon which the iteration is terminated max_iter : int the number of iterations allowed in the solution. Returns None if solution does not converge in max_iter. Returns ------- sol : solution object, numpy.ndarray of solution objects, or pandas Series of solution objects Notes ----- Assumes a H20-CO2-CaCO3 system. Guesses concentration of H using relaxed charge balance assumption, and then iterates to full solution. """ def calc_sol(Ca_in,PCO2_in,T_C_in,per_tol=0.001): I_guess = 3.*Ca_in T_K = CtoK(T_C_in) H_guess = concHFromCaPCO2Relaxed(Ca_in,PCO2_in, T_C=T_C_in) K_W = calc_K_W(T_K) K_H = calc_K_H(T_K) K_0 = calc_K_0(T_K) K_1 = calc_K_1(T_K) K_2 = calc_K_2(T_K) K_6 = K_1*(1.+1./K_0) found=False niter = 0 while not(found): #estimate activity coefficients gamma_H = gamma('H', I_guess, T_C=T_C_in) gamma_OH = gamma('OH', I_guess, T_C=T_C_in) gamma_HCO3 = gamma('HCO3', I_guess, T_C=T_C_in) gamma_CO3 = gamma('CO3', I_guess, T_C=T_C_in) H_new= fsolve(lambda H: 2.*Ca_in + H - K_W/(gamma_H*gamma_OH*H)\ - K_6*K_H*PCO2_in/(gamma_HCO3*gamma_H*H)*\ (1. + 2.*K_2*gamma_HCO3/(gamma_CO3*gamma_H*H)),\ H_guess)[0] #calculate ion concentrations from guess H+ concentration OH = K_W/(gamma_OH*gamma_H*H_new) CO3 = K_2*K_6*K_H*PCO2_in/((gamma_H*H_new)**2)/gamma_CO3 HCO3 = K_6*K_H*PCO2_in/(gamma_HCO3*gamma_H*H_new) I_new = 0.5*(H_new + OH + HCO3 + 4.*CO3 + 4.*Ca_in) if (np.abs(H_new - H_guess)/H_guess < per_tol): found = True else: H_guess = H_new I_guess = I_new #calculate non-charge ions niter += 1 if niter > max_iter: return None CO2 = K_H*PCO2_in H2CO3 = (K_H/K_0)*PCO2_in H2CO3s = H2CO3 + CO2 pH = -np.log10(H_new*gamma_H) #creation solution with these species sol = solution(['H', 'OH', 'CO3', 'HCO3', 'Ca', 'CO2', 'H2CO3', 'H2CO3s'], [H_new, OH, CO3, HCO3, Ca_in, CO2, H2CO3, H2CO3s], "mol/L", T=T_C_in, pH = pH) return sol is_series = (type(Ca)==pandas.core.series.Series) #or (type(Ca)==pandas.core.series.TimeSeries) if (type(Ca)==np.ndarray) or is_series: sol_arr = np.empty(np.size(Ca),dtype=object) for i, this_Ca in enumerate(Ca): if np.size(T_C)==1: sol_arr[i] = calc_sol(Ca[i],PCO2[i],T_C,per_tol=per_tol) else: sol_arr[i] = calc_sol(Ca[i],PCO2[i],T_C[i],per_tol=per_tol) if is_series: sol_arr = pandas.Series(sol_arr,index=Ca.index) return sol_arr else: return calc_sol(Ca,PCO2,T_C,per_tol=per_tol)
# Function to calculate H+ concentration from Calcium concentration and pC02 # using approximation in equation 2.30a (with an additional assumption that # chi -> infty, as for an open system) from Dreybrodt 1988. which assumes # pH < 8 such that carbonate and OH- species can be neglected # Ca = Calcium concentration mol/L # PCO2 = partial pressure of CO2
[docs] def solutionFromCaPCO2Relaxed(Ca, PCO2, T_C = 25.): """ Creates a solution object from a given concentration of calcium, PCO2, and optional temperature. Uses the approximate charge balance assumption (equation 2.30a in Dreybrodt [1988]). This is valid when pH < 8, such that CO3- and OH- species can be neglected. Parameters ---------- Ca : float concentration of calcium in mol/L PCO2 : float partial pressure of CO2 (atm) T_C : float, optional temperature of solution in degrees Celsius (default = 25 C) Returns ------- sol : solution object Notes ----- Assumes a H20-CO2-CaCO3 system. Calculates concentration of H using relaxed charge balance assumption. """ T_K = CtoK(T_C) H2CO3s = H2CO3sfromPCO2(PCO2, T_K=T_K) H2CO3 = H2CO3fromPCO2(PCO2, T_K=T_K) properties = getProperties() I = approxI(Ca) gamma_H = DebyeHuckel(I, properties['H']['charge'], properties['H']['radius'], T = T_C) gamma_HCO3 = DebyeHuckel(I, properties['HCO3']['charge'], properties['HCO3']['radius'], T = T_C) gamma_CO3 = DebyeHuckel(I, properties['CO3']['charge'], properties['CO3']['radius'], T = T_C) K_0 = calc_K_0(T_K) K_1 = calc_K_1(T_K) K_2 = calc_K_2(T_K) K_H = calc_K_H(T_K) K_6 = K_1*(1.+1./K_0) v_over_w = K_1*H2CO3s/(gamma_H*gamma_HCO3) #equation 2.30a with chi-->infty H = -Ca + 0.5*np.sqrt(4.*(Ca**2.)+ 4.*v_over_w) #from equation 2.24 with OH and CO3 neglected HCO3 = 2.*Ca + H CO3 = K_2*K_6*K_H*PCO2/((gamma_H*H)**2)/gamma_CO3 #calculate amount fraction of H (neglecting other ions) H_activity = gamma_H*H pH = -np.log10(H_activity) sol = solution(['H', 'Ca', 'HCO3', 'H2CO3', 'H2CO3s', 'CO3'], [H, Ca, HCO3, H2CO3, H2CO3s, CO3], units="mol/L", T=T_C, T_units='C', pH=pH) return sol
# Function to calculate solution from Calcium concentration and pH # using approximation in equation 2.30a (with an additional assumption that # chi -> infty, as for an open system) from Dreybrodt 1988. which assumes # pH < 8 such that carbonate and OH- species can be neglected # Ca = Calcium concentration mol/L # pH = partial pressure of CO2
[docs] def solutionFrompHCaRelaxed(Ca, pH, T_C = 25.): """ Creates a solution object from a given concentration of calcium and pH. Creates a solution object from a given concentration of calcium, pH, and optional temperature. Uses the approximate charge balance assumption (equation 2.30a in Dreybrodt [1988]). This is valid when pH < 8, such that CO3- and OH- species can be neglected. Parameters ---------- Ca : float concentration of calcium in mol/L pH : float pH T_C : float, optional temperature of solution in degrees Celsius (default = 25 C) Returns ------- sol : solution object Notes ----- Assumes a H20-CO2-CaCO3 system. Calculates concentration of H using relaxed charge balance assumption. """ T_K = CtoK(T_C) properties = getProperties() I = approxI(Ca) gamma_H = DebyeHuckel(I, properties['H']['charge'], properties['H']['radius'], T = T_C) gamma_HCO3 = DebyeHuckel(I, properties['HCO3']['charge'], properties['HCO3']['radius'], T = T_C) gamma_CO3 = DebyeHuckel(I, properties['CO3']['charge'], properties['CO3']['radius'], T = T_C) gamma_Ca = DebyeHuckel(I, properties['Ca']['charge'], properties['Ca']['radius'], T = T_C) H = 10.0**(-pH)/gamma_H #calculate mass action constans K_c = calc_K_c(T_K) K_2 = calc_K_2(T_K) K_1 = calc_K_1(T_K) K_0 = calc_K_0(T_K) K_H = calc_K_H(T_K) K_6 = K_1*(1.+1./K_0) #pCO2 derived from equation 2.30 in Dreybrodt 1988 and assuming an #open system, where f approaches infty. See notebook for details. pCO2 = (gamma_H * gamma_HCO3 / (K_1*K_H*(1+1/K_0)) ) * \ (H**2. + 2.0*H*Ca) H2CO3 = H2CO3fromPCO2(pCO2, T_K=T_K) H2CO3s = H2CO3sfromPCO2(pCO2, T_K=T_K) CO3 = K_2*K_6*K_H*pCO2/((gamma_H*H)**2)/gamma_CO3 K_1 = calc_K_1(T_K) #equation 2.30a with chi-->infty HCO3 = 2.*Ca + H is_series = (type(Ca)==pandas.core.series.Series) #or (type(Ca)==pandas.core.series.TimeSeries) if (type(Ca)==np.ndarray) or is_series: sol_arr = np.empty(np.size(Ca),dtype=object) for i in range(np.size(Ca)): if np.size(T_C)==1: sol_arr[i] = solution(['H', 'Ca', 'HCO3', 'H2CO3', 'H2CO3s', 'CO3'], [H[i], Ca[i], HCO3[i], H2CO3[i], H2CO3s[i], CO3[i]], units="mol/L", T=T_C, T_units='C', pH=pH[i]) else: sol_arr[i] = solution(['H', 'Ca', 'HCO3', 'H2CO3', 'H2CO3s', 'CO3'], [H[i], Ca[i], HCO3[i], H2CO3[i], H2CO3s[i], CO3[i]], units="mol/L", T=T_C[i], T_units='C', pH=pH[i]) if is_series: sol_arr = pandas.Series(sol_arr, index=Ca.index) return sol_arr else: sol = solution(['H', 'Ca', 'HCO3', 'H2CO3', 'H2CO3s', 'CO3'], [H, Ca, HCO3, H2CO3, H2CO3s, CO3], units="mol/L", T=T_C, T_units='C', pH=pH) return sol
#Calculate concentration of Carbonic acid in equilibrium with a certain pCO2
[docs] def H2CO3fromPCO2(PCO2, T_K = 273.15 + 25., T_C = None): """ Calculate concentration of carbonic acid in equilibrium with a certain PCO2. Parameters ---------- PCO2 : float partial pressure of CO2 T_K : float, optional temperature in degrees Kelvin (default = 273.15 + 25) T_C : float, optional temperature in degrees Celsius (default = None). If None, function assumes T_K was given or uses default value. If T_C is given in function call, then function uses T_C value to calculate T_K. Returns ------- H2CO3 : float concentration of carbonic acid in mol/L """ if T_C != None: T_K = CtoK(T_C) K_H = calc_K_H(T_K) K_0 = calc_K_0(T_K) H2CO3 = K_H*PCO2/K_0 return H2CO3
#Calculate concentration of Carbonic acid in equilibrium with a certain pCO2
[docs] def H2CO3sfromPCO2(PCO2, T_K = 273.15 + 25., T_C = None): """ Calculate concentration of carbonic acid + aqueous CO2 in equilibrium with a certain PCO2. [H2CO3s] = [H2CO3] + [CO2] Parameters ---------- PCO2 : float partial pressure of CO2 T_K : float, optional temperature in degrees Kelvin (default = 273.15 + 25) T_C : float, optional temperature in degrees Celsius (default = None). If None, function assumes T_K was given or uses default value. If T_C is given in function call, then function uses T_C value to calculate T_K. Returns ------- H2CO3s : float concentration of carbonic acid + aqueous CO2 in mol/L """ if T_C != None: T_K = CtoK(T_C) K_H = calc_K_H(T_K) K_0 = calc_K_0(T_K) H2CO3s = K_H*PCO2*(1+1/K_0) return H2CO3s
[docs] def pwpFromSolution(sol, PCO2=None, method='theory'): """ Calculates the PWP dissolution rate from a solution object. Parameters ---------- sol : solution object, numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series An olm solution object for which the calcite dissolution rate will be calculated. PCO2 : float The partial pressure of CO2 for the solution. If not given, it will be calculated from the solution object using PCO2FromSolution(). method : string A string that is equal to 'theory', 'pascal', or 'franci' that specifies the version of the PWP equation to use. Returns ------- R : float, numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series calcite dissolution rate according to the PWP equation (mmol/cm^2/s) """ if PCO2==None: PCO2 = PCO2FromSolution(sol) def calc_rate(sol_in,PCO2_in): #Check whether all necessary ions are present if ('Ca' in sol_in.ions) and ('H' in sol_in.ions) and ('HCO3' in sol_in.ions): #Check whether H2CO3s is present, and calculate if necessary if not 'H2CO3s' in sol_in.ions: K_H = calc_K_H(sol_in.T_K) CO2 = K_H*PCO2_in if not 'H2CO3' in sol_in.ions: K_0 = calc_K_0(sol_in.T_K) a_H2CO3s = CO2*(1.+1./K_0) else: a_H2CO3s = CO2 + sol_in.activity('H2CO3') else: #If we have it already, just read it a_H2CO3s = sol_in.activity('H2CO3s') #Pull out other ion concentrations a_Ca = sol_in.activity('Ca') a_H = sol_in.activity('H') a_HCO3 = sol_in.activity('HCO3') T_K = sol_in.T_K if method=='theory': R = pwpRateTheory(a_Ca=a_Ca, a_H2CO3s=a_H2CO3s, a_H=a_H, a_HCO3=a_HCO3, T_K=T_K,PCO2=PCO2_in) elif method=='pascal': R = pwpRatePascal(a_Ca=a_Ca, a_H2CO3s=a_H2CO3s, a_H=a_H, a_HCO3=a_HCO3, T_K=T_K,PCO2=PCO2_in) elif method=='franci': R = pwpRateFranci(a_Ca=a_Ca, a_H2CO3s=a_H2CO3s, a_H=a_H, a_HCO3=a_HCO3, T_K=T_K,PCO2=PCO2_in) else: print("method must be set to 'theory', 'pascal', or 'franci'") return -1 return R else: print("Not all necessary ions are present in the solution object.") return -1 is_series = (type(sol)==pandas.core.series.Series) #or (type(sol)==pandas.core.series.TimeSeries) if (type(sol)==np.ndarray) or is_series: rate_arr = np.empty(np.size(sol)) for i, this_sol in enumerate(sol): rate_arr[i] = calc_rate(this_sol,PCO2[i]) if is_series: rate_arr = pandas.Series(rate_arr, index=sol.index) return rate_arr else: return calc_rate(sol,PCO2)
#Calculate dissolution rate from PWP equation using an input concentrations # kappa4 is calculated using relation from Dreybrodt's PASCAL code.
[docs] def pwpRatePascal(a_Ca=0., a_H2CO3s=0., a_H=0., a_HCO3=0., T_K=25.+273.15,PCO2=0.): """ Calculates PWP rate using relation for kappa4 found in PASCAL code. Calculates PWP dissolution rate for calcite using the relation for kappa4 that is found in the PASCAL code in Dreybrodt (1988). This is also given in equation 3 from Buhmann and Dreybrodt (1985), The kinetics of calcite dissolution and precipitation in geologically relevant situations of karst areas: 1. Open system. They say that it is a fit to the experimental data of Plummer et al. for values of PCO2 < 0.05 atm. Parameters ---------- a_Ca : float activity of calcium (mol/L) a_H2CO3s : float activity of carbonic acid (mol/L) a_H : float activity of hydrogen (mol/L) a_HCO3 : float activity of bicarbonate (mol/L) T_K : float temperature degrees Kelvin PCO2 : float partial pressure of CO2 (atm) Returns ------- R : float calcite dissolution rate according to the PWP equation (mmol/cm^2/s) """ kappa1 = calc_kappa1(T_K) kappa2 = calc_kappa2(T_K) kappa3 = calc_kappa3(T_K) kappa4 = calc_kappa4Pascal(T_K,PCO2) R = kappa1*a_H + kappa2*a_H2CO3s + kappa3 - kappa4*a_Ca*a_HCO3 return R
#Calculate dissolution rate from PWP equation using an input # concentrations kappa4 is calculated using theoretical relation with # a_H equal to current value, as done in Franci's code
[docs] def pwpRateFranci(a_Ca=0., a_H2CO3s=0., a_H=0., a_HCO3=0., T_K=25.+273.15,PCO2=0.): """ Calculates PWP rate using relation for kappa4 used in Franci Gabrovsek's code. Calculates PWP rate using relation for kappa4 used in Franci Gabrovsek's speleogenesis code (pers. commun.). This slight difference was discovered during testing of this code against Franci's calculations. In this case, a_H in the equation for kappa4 is the bulk value and not the equilibrium surface value for the given carbonic acid concentration. Parameters ---------- a_Ca : float activity of calcium (mol/L) a_H2CO3s : float activity of carbonic acid (mol/L) a_H : float activity of hydrogen (mol/L) a_HCO3 : float activity of bicarbonate (mol/L) T_K : float temperature degrees Kelvin PCO2 : float partial pressure of CO2 (atm) Returns ------- R : float calcite dissolution rate according to the PWP equation (mmol/cm^2/s) """ kappa1 = calc_kappa1(T_K) kappa2 = calc_kappa2(T_K) kappa3 = calc_kappa3(T_K) kappa4 = calc_kappa4Franci(T_K, a_H, a_H2CO3s) R = kappa1*a_H + kappa2*a_H2CO3s + kappa3 - kappa4*a_Ca*a_HCO3 return R
[docs] def pwpRateTheory(a_Ca=0., a_H2CO3s=0., a_H=0., a_HCO3=0., T_K=25.+273.15,PCO2=0.): """ Calculates PWP rate using theoretical relation for kappa4 from PWP. Calculates PWP rate using theoretical relation for kappa4 from PWP (as described by equation 25 in Plummer, Wigley, and Parkhurst (1978) and in Dreybrodt [1988] equation 6.22b). In this case, a_H in the equation for kappa4 is the equilibrium surface value for the given carbonic acid concentration, as specified in the theory. Parameters ---------- a_Ca : float activity of calcium (mol/L) a_H2CO3s : float activity of carbonic acid (mol/L) a_H : float activity of hydrogen (mol/L) a_HCO3 : float activity of bicarbonate (mol/L) T_K : float temperature degrees Kelvin PCO2 : float partial pressure of CO2 (atm) Returns ------- R : float calcite dissolution rate according to the PWP equation (mmol/cm^2/s) """ kappa1 = calc_kappa1(T_K) kappa2 = calc_kappa2(T_K) kappa3 = calc_kappa3(T_K) is_series = (type(a_Ca)==pandas.core.series.Series) #or (type(a_Ca)==pandas.core.series.TimeSeries) if (type(a_Ca)==np.ndarray) or is_series: #We have a numpy array or pandas Series. Loop through and calculate rates individually R = np.zeros(np.size(a_Ca)) for i, single_R in enumerate(R): kappa4 = calc_kappa4Theory(T_K[i], PCO2[i], a_H2CO3s[i]) R[i] = kappa1[i]*a_H[i] + kappa2[i]*a_H2CO3s[i] + kappa3[i] - kappa4*a_Ca[i]*a_HCO3[i] if is_series: #Create a pandas series object from the R array R = pandas.Series(R, index=a_Ca.index) else: kappa4 = calc_kappa4Theory(T_K, PCO2, a_H2CO3s) R = kappa1*a_H + kappa2*a_H2CO3s + kappa3 - kappa4*a_Ca*a_HCO3 return R
[docs] def pwp_to_mm_yr(R, rho=2.6): """ Converts the PWP dissolution rates from mmol/cm^2/s to mm/year. Parameters ---------- R : float Dissolution rate as provided by PWP rate functions in units of mmol/cm^2/s. rho : float Density of rock in g/cm^3. Default is 2.6 g/cm^3, a typical value for limestone. Returns ------- E : float Erosion rate in mm/year """ #First convert from mmol to mol. R_mol = R*10.**(-3) properties = getProperties() CaCO3_weight = properties['Ca']['weight'] + properties['CO3']['weight'] #Convert to grams R_g = R_mol*CaCO3_weight #R in cm/s R_cm_s = R_g/rho #Convert to mm R_mm_s = R_cm_s*10. #Convert from seconds to years E = R_mm_s*365.*24.*60.*60. return E
#Functions to calculate rate constants in PWP Equation from Equations # 6.13, 6.14, and 6.22b in Dreybrodt 1988
[docs] def calc_kappa1(T_K): """ Calculates kappa1 in the PWP equation. Calculates kappa1 in the PWP equation, according to Equation 5 in Plummer, Wigley, and Parkhurst (1978) or Equation 6.13 of Dreybrodt (1988). Parameters ---------- T_K : float temperature Kelvin Returns ------- kappa1 : float constant kappa1 in the PWP equation (cm/s) """ kappa1 = 10.**(0.198 - 444./T_K) return kappa1
[docs] def calc_kappa2(T_K): """ Calculates kappa2 in the PWP equation. Calculates kappa2 in the PWP equation, according to Equation 7 in Plummer, Wigley, and Parkhurst (1978) or Equation 6.14 of Dreybrodt (1988). Parameters ---------- T_K : float temperature Kelvin Returns ------- kappa2 : float constant kappa2 in the PWP equation (cm/s) """ kappa2 = 10.**(2.84 - 2177./T_K) return kappa2
[docs] def calc_kappa3(T_K): """ Calculates kappa3 in the PWP equation. Calculates kappa3 in the PWP equation, according to Equations 8 and 9 in Plummer, Wigley, and Parkhurst (1978) or Equations 6.14a and 6.14b of Dreybrodt (1988). Parameters ---------- T_K : float temperature Kelvin Returns ------- kappa3 : float constant kappa3 in the PWP equation (mmol/cm^2/s) """ if (np.size(T_K)>1) or (type(T_K)==pandas.core.series.Series): kappa3 = np.zeros(np.size(T_K)) for i, this_temp in enumerate(T_K): if (this_temp < 273.15+25): kappa3[i] = 10.**(-5.86 - 317./T_K[i]) else: kappa3[i] = 10.**(-1.10 - 1737./T_K[i]) else: if (T_K < 273.15+25): kappa3 = 10.**(-5.86 - 317./T_K) else: kappa3 = 10.**(-1.10 - 1737./T_K) return kappa3
def calc_kappa4Kaufmann(T_K, PCO2): """ Calculates kappa4 in the PWP equation using the relation from Kaufmann and Dreybrodt (2007). Parameters ---------- T_K : float temperature Kelvin PCO2 : float partial pressure of CO2 (atm) Returns ------- kappa4 : float constant kappa4 in the PWP equation (cm^4/mmol/s) Notes ----- """ T_C = KtoC(T_K) if PCO2>0.05: kappa4 = 10.**(-2.375+0.025*T_C) else: kappa4 = 10.**(-2.375+0.025*T_C + 0.56*(-np.log10(PCO2)-1.3)) return kappa4
[docs] def calc_kappa4Pascal(T_K,PCO2): """ Calculates kappa4 in the PWP equation using fit from Buhmann and Dreybrodt (1985). Parameters ---------- T_K : float temperature Kelvin PCO2 : float partial pressure of CO2 (atm) Returns ------- kappa4 : float constant kappa4 in the PWP equation (cm^4/mmol/s) Notes ----- See more info under documentation for pwpRatePascal(). """ T_C = KtoC(T_K) B = 3.077-0.0146*T_C kappa4 = 10.**(-B)*(1/PCO2)**0.611 return kappa4
[docs] def calc_kappa4Franci(T_K, a_H, a_H2CO3s): """ Calculates kappa4 in the PWP equation using approach from Franci's code. Parameters ---------- T_K : float temperature Kelvin a_H : float activity of hydrogen (mol/L) a_H2CO3s : float activity of carbonic acid (mol/L) Returns ------- kappa4 : float constant kappa4 in the PWP equation (cm^4/mmol/s) Notes ----- See more info under documentation for pwpRateFranci(). """ K_2 = calc_K_2(T_K) K_c = calc_K_c(T_K) kappa1 = calc_kappa1(T_K) kappa2 = calc_kappa2(T_K) kappa3 = calc_kappa3(T_K) kappa4 = (K_2/K_c)*(kappa1 + 1/a_H*(kappa2*a_H2CO3s + kappa3) ) return kappa4
[docs] def calc_kappa4Theory(T_K, PCO2, a_H2CO3s): """ Calculates kappa4 in the PWP equation using the theoretical relation for kappa4 from Plummer, Wigley, and Parkhurst (1978) Equation 25 (as described in Dreybrodt [1988] equation 6.22b). In this case, a_H in the equation for kappa4 is the equilibrium surface value for the given carbonic acid concentration, as specified in the theory. Parameters ---------- T_K : float temperature Kelvin PCO2 : float partial pressure of CO2 (atm) a_H2CO3s : float activity of carbonic acid (mol/L) Returns ------- kappa4 : float constant kappa4 in the PWP equation (cm/s) Notes ----- See more info under documentation for pwpRateTheory(). """ T_C = KtoC(T_K) K_2 = calc_K_2(T_K) K_c = calc_K_c(T_K) kappa1 = calc_kappa1(T_K) kappa2 = calc_kappa2(T_K) kappa3 = calc_kappa3(T_K) #calculate equilbrium activity of H at surface a_Heq = activityHFromPCO2(PCO2, T_C=T_C) kappa4 = (K_2/K_c)*(kappa1 + 1/a_Heq*(kappa2*a_H2CO3s + kappa3) ) return kappa4
#Functions for calculating mass action constants given temperature (K) # from Dreybrodt, 1988
[docs] def calc_K_c(T_K): """ Calculates equilibrium constant for calcite. Calculates equilibrium constant for calcite using equation from Table 2.2 in Dreybrodt (1988), originally reported in Plummer and Busenberg (1982). Parameters ---------- T_K : float temperature Kelvin Returns ------- K_c : float equilibrium constant for calcite """ K_c = 10.**(-171.9065 - 0.077993*T_K + 2839.319/T_K + 71.595*np.log10(T_K)) return K_c
[docs] def calc_K_2(T_K): """ Calculates mass action constant for dissociation of bicarbonate. Calculates mass action constant for dissociation of bicarbonate using equation from Table 2.2 in Dreybrodt (1988), originally reported in Plummer and Busenberg (1982). Parameters ---------- T_K : float temperature Kelvin Returns ------- K_2 : float mass action constant for dissociation of bicarbonate """ K_2 = 10.**(-107.8871 - 0.03252849*T_K + 5151.79/T_K + 38.92561*np.log10(T_K) - 563713.9/T_K/T_K) return K_2
[docs] def calc_K_1(T_K): """ Calculates mass action constant for dissociation of carbonic acid. Calculates mass action constant for dissociation of carbonic acid using equation from Table 2.2 in Dreybrodt (1988), originally reported in Plummer and Busenberg (1982). Parameters ---------- T_K : float temperature Kelvin Returns ------- K_2 : float mass action constant for dissociation of carbonic acid """ K_1 = 10.**(-356.3094 - 0.06091964*T_K + 21834.37/T_K + 126.8339*np.log10(T_K) - 1684915.0/T_K/T_K) return K_1
[docs] def calc_K_0(T_K): """ Calculates mass action constant for conversion of CO2 to carbonic acid. Calculates mass action constant for conversion of CO2 to carbonic acid using equation from Table 2.2 in Dreybrodt (1988), originally reported in Plummer and Busenberg (1982). Parameters ---------- T_K : float temperature Kelvin Returns ------- K_0 : float mass action constant for conversion of CO2 to carbonic acid """ K_1 = 10.**(-356.3094 - 0.06091964*T_K + 21834.37/T_K + 126.8339*np.log10(T_K) - 1684915.0/T_K/T_K) K_0 = 1.7*0.0001/K_1 return K_0
[docs] def calc_K_H(T_K): """ Calculates Henry's law constant for CO2. Calculates Henry's law constant for CO2 using equation from Table 2.2 in Dreybrodt (1988), originally reported in Plummer and Busenberg (1982). Parameters ---------- T_K : float temperature Kelvin Returns ------- K_H : float Henry's law constant for CO2. """ K_H = 10.**(108.3865 + 0.01985076*T_K - 6919.53/T_K - 40.45154*np.log10(T_K) + 669365./T_K/T_K) return K_H
[docs] def calc_K_W(T_K): """ Calculates mass action constant for dissociation water. Calculates mass action constant for dissociation of water using equation from Table 2.2 in Dreybrodt (1988), originally Harned and Hamer (1933). Parameters ---------- T_K : float temperature Kelvin Returns ------- K_W : float mass action constant for dissociation of water """ K_W = 10.**(22.801 - 4787.3/T_K - 0.010365*T_K - 7.1321*np.log10(T_K)) return K_W
[docs] def calc_k1(T_K): """ Calculates k1+ kinetic constant from Table 1 of Kaufmann and Dreybrodt (2007). Parameters ---------- T_K : float temperature Kelvin Returns ------- k1 : float kinetic constant k1+ Notes ----- Related to the rate of CO2 conversion. """ k1 = 10.**(329.850 - 110.54*np.log10(T_K) - 17265.4/T_K) # k1 = (10.**-3) * np.exp(34.69 - 9252./T_K) return k1
[docs] def calc_k2(T_K): """ Calculates k2+ kinetic constant from Table 1 of Kaufmann and Dreybrodt (2007). Parameters ---------- T_K : float temperature Kelvin Returns ------- k2 : float kinetic constant k2+ Notes ----- Related to the rate of CO2 conversion. """ # k2 = 10.**(14.072 - 3025./T_K) k2 = 10.**(13.635 - 2895./T_K) return k2
[docs] def calc_k_neg1(T_K): """ Calculates k1- kinetic constant from Table 1 of Kaufmann and Dreybrodt (2007). Parameters ---------- T_K : float temperature Kelvin Returns ------- k_neg1 : float kinetic constant k1- Notes ----- Related to the rate of CO2 conversion. """ k_neg1 = 10.**(13.558 - 3617.1/T_K) return k_neg1
[docs] def calc_k_neg2(T_K): """ Calculates k2- kinetic constant from Table 1 in Kaufmann and Dreybrodt (2007). Parameters ---------- T_K : float temperature Kelvin Returns ------- k_neg2 : float kinetic constant k2- Notes ----- Related to the rate of CO2 conversion. """ k_neg2 = 10.**(14.09 - 5308./T_K) return k_neg2
################# ### Palmer Dissolution #################
[docs] def createPalmerInterpolationFunctions(impure=True): """ Creates interpolation functions for kinetic rate constants using linear interpolation from Table from Palmer (1991). PCO2 is interpolated linearly in log space, since it spans several orders of magnitude. Primarily intended for internal use by palmerRate() and palmerFromSolution(). Parameters ---------- impure : boolean Whether to use the table values for impure calcite (True) or pure calcite (False). Impure calcite is more representative of typical limestone. (default = True) Returns ------- (palmer_k1, palmer_C_Cs_T, palmer_n) : tuple Interpolation functions for k1, C_Cs_T, and n. """ #Construct linear interpolation functions for Table from Palmer (1991) T_arr = np.array([5.,15.,25.]) logPCO2_arr = np.log10(np.array([1.0,0.3,0.03,0.003])) T_grid, CO2_grid = np.meshgrid(T_arr,logPCO2_arr) if impure: k1_grid = np.array([[0.07,0.09,0.12], [0.03,0.035,0.04], [0.009,0.015,0.02], [0.006,0.01,0.015]]) else: k1_grid = np.array([[0.11,0.14,0.18], [0.044,0.055,0.065], [0.014,0.018,0.028], [0.01,0.015,0.02]]) C_Cs_T_grid = np.array([[0.8,0.85,0.9], [0.65,0.7,0.8], [0.6,0.7,0.8], [0.6,0.7,0.8]]) n_arr = np.array([1.5,1.6,1.7,2.2]) palmer_k1 = LinearNDInterpolator((T_grid.ravel(), CO2_grid.ravel()), k1_grid.ravel()) palmer_C_Cs_T = LinearNDInterpolator((T_grid.ravel(), CO2_grid.ravel()), C_Cs_T_grid.ravel()) palmer_n = interp1d(logPCO2_arr, n_arr) return (palmer_k1, palmer_C_Cs_T, palmer_n)
#Dissolution rate function from Palmer (1991)
[docs] def palmerRate(T_C, PCO2, Sat_Ratio, rho=2.6, impure=True, interp_funcs=np.array([])): """ Calculates the calcite/limestone dissolution rate given temperature, PCO2, and a calcium saturation ratio using relationship from Palmer (1991). Parameters ---------- T_C : float Temperature in degrees Celcius. PCO2 : float The partial pressure of CO2. Sat_Ratio : float The ratio of calcium concentration to the calcium concentration at equilibrium ([Ca]/[Ca]_eq). rho : float Density of rock in g/cm^3. (default=2.6) impure : boolean Whether to use the table values for impure calcite (True) or pure calcite (False). Impure calcite is more representative of typical limestone. (default = True) interp_funcs : tuple Primarily for internal use by palmerFromSolution(). Contains interpolation functions for kinetic rate constants. Automatically calculated if not passed. Returns ------- R : float calcite dissolution rate according to the Palmer (1991) equation (mm/yr) """ if np.size(interp_funcs)!=3: interp_funcs = createPalmerInterpolationFunctions(impure) #look whether we are saturated if Sat_Ratio>1: return 0. #Test whether we are outside of interpolation rate logPCO2 = np.log10(PCO2) logPCO2_min = np.log10(0.003) logPCO2_max = np.log10(1.0) T_min = 5. T_max = 25. if logPCO2<logPCO2_min: print("Warning! Low PCO2 outside of interpolation range is set to minimum from table.") logPCO2=logPCO2_min if logPCO2>logPCO2_max: print("Warning! High PCO2 outside of interpolation range is set to maximum from table.") logPCO2=logPCO2_max if T_C<T_min: print("Warning! Low temp outside of interpolation range is set to minimum from table.") T_C=T_min if T_C>T_max: print("Warning! High temp outside of interpolation range is set to maximum from table.") T_C = T_max palmer_k1, palmer_C_Cs_T, palmer_n = interp_funcs k1 = palmer_k1(T_C, logPCO2) C_Cs_T = palmer_C_Cs_T(T_C, logPCO2) n1 = palmer_n(logPCO2) if Sat_Ratio>C_Cs_T: #in non-linear kinetics regime, n=4 n2=4. k2 = k1*(1.-C_Cs_T)**(n1-n2) k=k2 n=n2 else: n = n1 k = k1 #Calculate rate in mm/yr return 10.*31.56*k*(1.-Sat_Ratio)**n/rho
[docs] def palmerFromSolution(sol, PCO2=np.array([]), rho=2.6, impure=True): """ Calculates the calcite/limestone dissolution rate from a solution object using relationship from Palmer (1991). Parameters ---------- sol : solution object, numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series An olm solution object for which the calcite dissolution rate will be calculated. PCO2 : float, numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series The partial pressure of CO2 for the solution(s). If not given, it will be calculated from the solution object using PCO2FromSolution(). rho : float Density of rock in g/cm^3. (default=2.6) impure : boolean Whether to use the table values for impure calcite (True) or pure calcite (False). Impure calcite is more representative of typical limestone. (default = True) Returns ------- R : float, numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series calcite dissolution rate according to the Palmer (1991) equation (mm/yr) """ interp_funcs = createPalmerInterpolationFunctions(impure=impure) #Process solution def calc_rate(sol, PCO2, rho): T = sol.T_C Ca_eq = concCaEqFromSolution(sol) Ca = sol.ions['Ca']['conc_mol'] Sat_Ratio = Ca/Ca_eq return palmerRate(T, PCO2, Sat_Ratio, rho, impure=impure, interp_funcs=interp_funcs) #Loop through series or array if we have one is_series = (type(sol)==pandas.core.series.Series) #or (type(sol)==pandas.core.series.TimeSeries) if (type(sol)==np.ndarray) or is_series: rate_arr = np.empty(np.size(sol)) for i, this_sol in enumerate(sol): if np.size(PCO2)==0: this_PCO2 = PCO2FromSolution(this_sol) elif np.size(PCO2)==1: this_PCO2 = PCO2 elif np.size(PCO2)>1: this_PCO2=PCO2[i] rate_arr[i] = calc_rate(this_sol, this_PCO2, rho) if is_series: rate_arr = pandas.Series(rate_arr, index=sol.index) return rate_arr else: if np.size(PCO2)==0: PCO2 = PCO2FromSolution(sol) return calc_rate(sol, PCO2, rho)
[docs] def dissRateFromCaPCO2(Ca, PCO2, T_C, rho=2.6, method=None, impure=True, per_tol=0.001, error=False, error_num=100, Ca_err=None, PCO2_err=None, molL=False, confidence=0., return_samples = False): """ Calculates the calcite/limestone dissolution rate from given calcium concentration and PCO2. Optionally uses Monte Carlo error propagation to calculate uncertainty in rates. Parameters ---------- Ca : float, numpy.ndarray or pandas Series Calcium concentration, default units are mg/L. Change to mol/L by setting keyword mol_L=true. PCO2 : float, numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series The partial pressure of CO2 for the solution(s). T_C : float, numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series The temperature of the water in degrees Celcius. rho : float Density of rock in g/cm^3. (default=2.6) method : string Determines method used to calculate dissolution rates. Set to either 'PWP' or 'Palmer'. This keyword is required. impure : boolean Used when calculating Palmer rates. Determines whether to use the table values for impure calcite (True) or pure calcite (False). Impure calcite is more representative of typical limestone. (default = True) per_tol : float the fractional change in H concentration between iterations upon which the iteration is terminated (see solutionFromCaPCO2). default=0.001 error: boolean Set to true if you want to use Monte Carlo Error propagation to estimate error in dissolution rate. Requires values for Ca_err and PCO2_err. (default=False) error_num : integer Size of random sample used in Monte Carlo Error propagation. default=100 Ca_err: float, numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series Percent error in calcite concentration(s) (1=100%) PCO2_err: float, numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series Percent error in PCO2 values (1=100%) molL : boolean Are Ca units in mol/L. If so, set to true. Otherwise, units assumed are mg/L. (default=False, i.e. mg/L) confidence : float If non-zero then confidence intervals will be used in error estimation (e.g. 90 = 90% confidence). Default is 0. return_samples : boolean If true (default is false), then return entire random samples within error arrays. Returns ------- R : float, numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series calcite dissolution rate in mm/yr R_err : float, numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series error in dissolution rate (returned with R if keyword error=True) """ #Function for Monte Carlo error estimation def err_est(Ca,PCO2,T_C,Ca_err,PCO2_err): rate_sample = np.zeros(error_num) Ca_factor = 1. + Ca_err*np.random.randn(error_num) Ca_sample = Ca*Ca_factor PCO2_factor = 1. + PCO2_err*np.random.randn(error_num) PCO2_sample = PCO2*PCO2_factor for j in np.arange(error_num): # print j, Ca_sample[j], PCO2_sample[j] #Create solution object found = False while not found: rand_sol = solutionFromCaPCO2(Ca_sample[j], PCO2_sample[j], T_C=T_C, per_tol=per_tol) if type(rand_sol) != type(None): found=True else: new_Ca_factor = 1. + Ca_err*np.random.randn(1) Ca_sample[j] = Ca*new_Ca_factor print('Solution did not converge for this error calculation.') print('Ca_sample=',Ca_sample[j], ' PCO2_sample=',PCO2_sample[j]) #Calculate dissolution rate if method=='PWP': rate_sample[j] = pwp_to_mm_yr(pwpFromSolution(rand_sol, PCO2=PCO2_sample[j]), rho=rho) elif method=='Palmer': rate_sample[j] = palmerFromSolution(rand_sol, PCO2_sample[j], rho=rho, impure=impure) else: print( "Invalid method keyword!") return None if return_samples: return rate_sample if confidence==0: #Estimated error is standard deviation from random sample return np.std(rate_sample) else: #Error estimated using confidence intervals lower = np.percentile(rate_sample, 100.-confidence) upper = np.percentile(rate_sample, confidence) return [upper, lower] if not molL: #convert Ca units to mol/L Ca = mgL_to_molL(Ca, 'Ca') is_series = (type(Ca)==pandas.core.series.Series) if (type(Ca)==np.ndarray) or is_series: rate_arr = np.empty(np.size(Ca), dtype=float) if error: if return_samples: err_arr = np.empty((np.size(Ca),error_num), dtype=float) elif confidence == 0: err_arr = np.empty(np.size(Ca), dtype=float) else: err_arr = np.empty((np.size(Ca),2), dtype=float) for i, this_Ca in enumerate(Ca): if (i % 100)==0: print( "Solution number "+str(i)) #print( "Ca = ", this_Ca, " CO2 = ", PCO2[i], ' Ca_err = ', Ca_err[i], ' CO2_err = ', PCO2_err) #Create solution object if np.size(T_C)==1: sol = solutionFromCaPCO2(this_Ca, PCO2[i], T_C=T_C, per_tol=per_tol) else: sol = solutionFromCaPCO2(this_Ca, PCO2[i], T_C=T_C[i], per_tol=per_tol) #Calculate dissolution rate if method=='PWP': rate_arr[i] = pwp_to_mm_yr(pwpFromSolution(sol, PCO2=PCO2[i]), rho=rho) elif method=='Palmer': rate_arr[i] = palmerFromSolution(sol, PCO2[i],rho=rho,impure=impure) else: print("Invalid method keyword!") return None #Monte Carlo error estimate on rate if error: if np.size(T_C)==1: if confidence == 0 and not return_samples: err_arr[i] = err_est(this_Ca, PCO2[i], T_C, Ca_err, PCO2_err) else: err_arr[i,:] = err_est(this_Ca, PCO2[i], T_C, Ca_err, PCO2_err) else: if np.size(Ca_err)==1: this_Ca_err = Ca_err else: this_Ca_err = Ca_err[i] if np.size(PCO2_err)==1: this_PCO2_err = PCO2_err else: this_PCO2_err = PCO2_err[i] if confidence == 0 and not return_samples: err_arr[i] = err_est(this_Ca, PCO2[i], T_C[i], this_Ca_err, this_PCO2_err) else: err_arr[i,:] = err_est(this_Ca, PCO2[i], T_C[i], this_Ca_err, this_PCO2_err) if is_series: rate_arr = pandas.Series(rate_arr, index=Ca.index) if error: if confidence==0 and not return_samples: err_arr = pandas.Series(err_arr, index=Ca.index, dtype=float) else: if return_samples: err_arr = pandas.DataFrame(err_arr, index=Ca.index, dtype=float) else: err_arr = pandas.DataFrame(err_arr, index=Ca.index, columns=['lower','upper'], dtype=float) if error: return rate_arr, err_arr else: return rate_arr else: #we have single values sol = solutionFromCaPCO2(Ca, PCO2, T_C=T_C, per_tol=per_tol) #Calculate dissolution rate if method=='PWP': R = pwp_to_mm_yr(pwpFromSolution(sol, PCO2=PCO2), rho=rho) elif method=='Palmer': R = palmerFromSolution(sol, PCO2,rho=rho,impure=impure) else: print("Invalid method keyword!") return None if error: err = err_est(Ca, PCO2, T_C, Ca_err, PCO2_err) return R, err return R