
olm.calcite.PCO2EqFromCa(Ca, T_C=25.0, I=None)[source]

Calculates the equilibrium PCO2 for a given concentration of calcium and temp.

Cafloat, numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series

Concentration of calcium in mol/L.

T_Cfloat, numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series (optional)

temperature of solution in degrees Celsius (default = 25 C)

Ifloat, numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series (optional)

Ionic strength of solution. If not provided, will be calculated from Ca alone.

PCO2Eqfloat, numpy.ndarray, or pandas Series

Partial pressure of CO2 (atm) at which the solution would be in equilibrium w.r.t. calcite.


Assumes a H20-CO2-CaCO3 system. If a numpy array or pandas Series object are passed in as Ca arguments, then equilibrium PCO2s will be found iteratively in a for-loop and returned as the same data type given in the argument.