
olm.USGS.loadWaterQualityData.loadSiteListData(siteListText=None, siteFile=None, regEx='USGS-*', processedSitesDir='./Processed-Sites', loadPhreeqc=False, loadMetaData=False)[source]

Retrieves site data for multiple sites within a processed sites directory.

siteListTextstring (optional)

a list of sites separated by semi-colons

siteFilestring (optional)

a filename of a text file with a list of sites

regExstring (optional)

regular expression used to search for site directories within the processed sites directory (default = ‘USGS-‘).

processedSitesDirstring (optional)

directory that contains all of the processed site directories. It is important to change this if the default is not correct. (default=’./Processed-Sites’)


If set to true, PHREEQC outputs will also be loaded for each site. (default=False)


If set to true, the site metadata will be loaded for each site. (default=False)


A dictionary of site DataFrames keyed by site name.

or if loadPhreeqc or loadMetaData are set to true
(sitesDict, sitesPheeqcDict, sitesMetaDataDict)tuple

A tuple containing the sitesDict and dicts of the PHREEQC data and/or metadata for each site. Order is as shown.