Source code for olm.loggers.TruBluToolkit

#Tools for reading and analysis of data from TruBlu data loggers 

from pandas import read_csv
from pandas import concat
from pandas import DataFrame
import os

Functions to read TruBlu logger files.

#read in the CSV file from a TruBlu logger and return a pandas DataFrame
[docs] def readTruBlu(csvfile): """ Reads data from a CSV file exported from a TruBlu logger. Parameters ---------- csv_file : string A string containing the file name of the CSV or MON file to be read. Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing data from a TruBlu csv file. """ sep = ',' header = 0 skiprows = 16 #this is somewhat weak, number of lines could change over time?? # Definitely weak. Probably an automated read to csv header would be better index_col = 3 #names = ['ID','Name','Address','Time of Acquisition','Elapsed(Sec)','Level(PSI)','Temperature (\'C)','Battery Voltage(Volt)','Supply Voltage(Volt)','Scan No','blank'] parse_dates = True #skip_footer = 1 #print(csvfile) #df = read_csv(csvfile, sep=sep, names=names, skiprows=skiprows, index_col=index_col, parse_dates=parse_dates) try: if os.stat(csvfile).st_size > 0: df = read_csv(csvfile, sep=sep, skiprows=skiprows, header=header, index_col=index_col, parse_dates=parse_dates) return df else: print((csvfile + " is empty")) except OSError: print((csvfile + " does not exist"))